Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Regular Exercise Tips

Exercising in the morning our bodies are very good. there make it a habit to take the time to jog with 15 minutes because it canhelp us be better, but it also can relieve stress, and make the body become healthyA recent study conducted by Diane Klein, PhD, gave some clues about this. People who regularly exercise in the long run (average over 13 years) were asked to rank what motivated them to sustain the habit.  

These 10 tips to make exercise become a habit in your life:
1. Perform a variety of activities you enjoy. And remember, there is no rule that says you have to go to the gym or buy equipment.
"We have changed our perception of the rules of exercise to physical activity," said Klein, a professor of sports and leisure asistent studies, and director of Gerontology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Having a variety of activities (weights, walking, running, tennis, cycling, aerobic) will ensure that you can do something whenever you have time.
2. Committed to the others. "The social aspect of exercise is important for me," says Wanda Stevens, a housewife in Austin, Texas. "I allowed myself to off, but if I agree to walk with a friend after dinner, I will not leave disappointed."
Thanks to the support of her husband, she has managed to undergo an exercise program for six weeks. Roy Stevens, who worked as a management consultant, has become a "personal trainer." They berolahrga together every morning, doing a combination of aerobic, strength training, Tae Bo, and stretching.
3. Make exercise a priority. "That should be a must," said Roy Stevens.
He began exercising to manage her weight since I was in the band Air Force 20 years ago. There are other benefits of making exercise as a necessity. Ie, friends and family members came to know that exercise is a part of your identity.
4. Make exercising as a first thing in the morning. With two children, Wanda Stevens' difficulty in finding time to exercise.
Many things can undermine the good intentions to walk or aerobic classes. But all the reasons disappear once he began to wake up before the kids get up, so that he could exercise.
Experts agree that the schedule in the morning is best. "If you go to the gym, it should be located between your home and office," Klein said. "Exercise, shower, and you will feel energized throughout the day."
5. Or, exercising when I got home from work. In addition to the morning, the next best time is when I got home from work, Klein said.
"Do not go home," said Klein. "I've experienced it. Not many people are so motivated to go home, change clothes, and go back to exercise."
6. Exercise even when you feel "too tired." Most likely you will feel better after exercising.
"It makes us feel energized," says Klein. "Your breathing is deeper, and your body use oxygen better."
If Wanda Stevens felt he was too tired to get up and exercise, Roy showed no sympathy. 
"He became annoyed, but then she felt better afterwards," said Roy.
7. Record your activities. Write down the things that are important to you. That might be about how long you exercise every day, how much you move, how far you are pedaling a bicycle, and others.
8. Learn about all the development indicators. It would be nice if you feel more fitting clothes and you can lift more weight or train for longer without feeling exhausted.
But there are several other development indicators, for example:

  • Sleep more soundly
  • Think more clearly
  • Feeling more energetic
  • The muscles feel tighter and stronger
  • The heart rate is more stable
  • Cholesterol levels, blood sugar, blood pressure, bone density, so improved.
9. Walk with a pedometer. "If you like walking and have not done, 10 minutes three times a day will give you 30 minutes," said Klein.
Use a pedometer and walk at least 10,000 steps every day."No one who started with 10,000 steps," said Klein. Find out how much your average walk every day, and next week, walk 300 steps per day extra. 
Increase each week.
10. Reward yourselfDo you tell yourself that you do not deserve to be rewarded for doing something that was supposed to do?
Experts say that it's difficult to change habits, and the gift will motivate.
So, set a target and a gift, then do. You might want to buy new clothes for myself after getting used to exercising for a month, or buy new shoes when you reach 5,000 steps per day(1001-diet.blogspot.com).

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