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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tarian Tor Tor

Tor Tor dance and musical instruments from Mandailing Gordang sideline, North Sumatra Batak tribe.
Historically, dance tor tor used in rituals associated with spirits. Spirit is invoked and "go" to the statues of stone (a symbol of the ancestors).

The statues were then moves like dancing, but with a rigid motion. The movement is a movement of the foot (toe-toe) and hand movements.

Tor tor various types of dance. Some are called tor tor Pangurason (cleansing dance). This dance is usually held at a big party.

Before the party starts, place and location of the party first cleaned by using lime to be far from danger.

Then there is the Cup Sipitu tor tor dance (Dance of the seven bowls). This dance is usually held during the inauguration of a king.

This dance is also derived from the seven daughters of heaven to bathe in a lake at the top of the mountain by an incoming pusuk Buhit sipitu sasarung piso (seven knife sheath).

Finally, there is a single Panaluan tor tor which is a cultural ritual. Usually held when a disaster-stricken village.

Single panaluan danced by the shaman to guide the solution to resolve the issue. For a single rod is a combination of supernatural powers panaluan Debata Natolu above the continent, the continent was, and the Continent.


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